Friday, February 15, 2008


Humorous Pictures
moar humorous pics Thank you, I Can Haz Cheeseburger for the pic!
Today, the sun is shining, it's a balmy 19F degrees, I have a STACK of library books and only one pet visit today (to kitties! No Frozen Walks)! So, I might treat myself to a nap. I love napping.
I wish I could sleep at night as easily as I can nap! It's so odd: I can shut down my thoughts to take a nap, but at nighttime, it's like a dam burst! All kinds of thoughts come gushing forth, memories from decades ago, regrets, embarrassments, shame, worries, terrors... geez. I'm hoping that this blog will help with that. Maybe if I can get them out BEFORE bedtime, the pressure will be off.

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