Monday, February 28, 2011

My favorite month approaches

YAY!  Today is the last day of my least favorite month!  February, though short in days, is long in greys.  I'm ready for mud and birdsong and not having to wear two-three layers to keep warm.  Yippee!  I've overscheduled myself for petsitting in March, because I apparently can't say no to my neighbor.  Whose cats HATE me, since the only time they see me is when their parents are gone and I give them medicine.

Anyhoo, I'm glad tomorrow's March.

Friday, February 25, 2011

time wasted, but laughing!

Holy cats, some of these are hiLARious!

 Quick Meme Gallery

My faves are Socially Awkward Penguin, Judgemental Bookstore Ostrich, Business Cat, and Advice God.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another Boot Camp

I thought exercise was supposed to give you endorphins?  I just feel like crying!  ugh.  I know it will get better.  Right now, I'm just shocked, SHOCKED, at how weak I am.  Wow.  Two years of sitting on one's ass, surfing the 'net will do that to a body, I suppose.  I'll keep at it, I'll get stronger, it'll get better. The other two women in the class are in their 50's and they are in WAY better shape than me.

But I do NOT want to wind up looking like this:

I wish I had someone to share this with, though.  Most of my friends are already in super shape, running marathons and shit.  I think one reason I want a dog so very, very badly is that it would be a companion.  Some day, some day....

I've looked on Craig's List for exercise partner type listings and they're out there.  It just feels really random.  I want a FRIEND, y'know?  But to have a friend, as the saying goes, you have to BE a friend and I'm not very good at that (as I have been told by The Blonde).

Things are going to get a little worse before they get better and knowing that helps me be prepared.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

messy head

I've posted and deleted three times now over the past few days.  I'm a little confused about what to do right now to shape my future.  I've been very passive for the last ten years, it seems, and now my life is... not what I want.  I want more.  More joy, more fun, more connection.

Change is so scary to me.  I really, really like stability.  I've been choosing unsatisfying stability over risk for a long, long time.  Maybe it's time to change - but change what?  Everything?  One thing?  Which thing?


Friday, February 18, 2011

... and in weather

Today was truly spectacular, Springy warm, super bright, lovely.  Very windy, though.  Powerful wind.  With it, it's bringing back Winter , and I'm bummed.

Here's Bill to tell you all about it:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

* gasp * choke * gahhh *

Last week, I went to an exercise class called Full Mighty Boot Camp. As I've grown to look a great deal like my sofa over the last couple of years, due to too much DVD watching and web surfing, I knew it would be a challenge. I actually did pretty well! I felt it, I mean, I found muscles I'd packed away and forgotten about, but I was able to do pretty much everything the amazing instructor asked. It felt like a gentle but strong workout and so I approached today with enthusiasm.

Today was completely different. I felt like this:

I couldn't complete a few of the exercises, I had to take a serious break.  Embarrassing.  But it showed me how truly out of shape I am.  Also, that one should definitely eat SOMETHING before working out so hard.  I only had coffee.  I just couldn't face food; I didn't get much sleep last night.

Cleo has been ... well, it's clear her body is slowing down and she's not doing really well.  She's had several more episodes.  She doesn't seem to be suffering, but she certainly has a difficult time in the middle of the night being comfortable.  She cries a lot (dementia, we trust, not pain) and is extremely restless.  She walks all over me and tries to sit on my head.  I try everything I can think of to make her comfortable - nothing works.  Then, during the day, she seems fine.  Really old, frail, sure; but fine.  It's very frustrating.  I don't want to euthanize her if the time is not right.  But I don't want her to suffer.  I used to tell clients at the vet clinic that they'd know when it's right, and I still believe that.

So, it's off to work for me, sore and worried and tired.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Love it!

And this is just mesmerizing:

Today, I'm going to Get Stuff Done. Maye even color my hair! But, I WILL do something about the foyer and the little bathroom downstairs. Remove wallpaper. Remove nasty carpet. YES! These tunes make my sluggish blood wake up and MOVE!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

VD stuff

Mr. Handsome disagrees with Valentine's Day. I think ANY day to celebrate something wonderful is GREAT! You made every single light on your way to work? Let's celebrate! Anyhoo, I don't expect much for/from Valentine's Day, but this year, he really hit it.

He made over a dozen romantic pieces of origami (which is how he wooed me in the first place, back in the day) and send me lovey-dovey texts all day! I loved it, loved finding the individual pieces of origami tucked around my regular day. Here's a heart in the coffee can! Here's a crane in my make-up drawer! Ooh, a heart tucked inside my laptop! How sweeet, a crane tucked into the milk jug handle! Yeah, I LOVED it!

So, I made him cookies. His fave, chocolate chip. Now, I'm Famous in My Own Mind® for making really, off-puttingly ugly cookies. I don't know what I do wrong. I try different stuff, they always wind up looking like little piles of excrement. With solids. ew. Anyhoo, they taste fine. BUT! I wanted to make pretty cookies for him, to let him know that I appreciated his effort and that I appreciate him. Seriously, all that lovey stuff. So I decided to be completely cheesy and make them into heart shapes.

I cut out the cookies,

baked them as directed...

... uh oh...

...ummm, this isn't working....

Oh, well. I'll just cut one into a BIG heart! Success!

Yeah, it was a sweet Valentine's Day, with a little help from John Russo! Note the cute Italian sweets (in the little boxes) and the delicious chocolate port. Nice!

Monday, February 14, 2011


I love to read blogs. Reading other people's thoughts. It's kinda voyeuristic, kinda snoopy, kinda gossipy. I enjoy it. The best ones, of course, have a focus. Weight loss, family, illness/recovery, far-off adventure, whatever. Mine's just my diary, really; whatever amuses me or whatever I'm whining about that day. A focus would be good.

It does reflect my life, though. I don't have ambition, direction, passion.... After a childhood dominated by chaos, I deeply value security and safety. This makes for a rather dull life, I suspect. But it's comfortable. I've been thinking I need to branch out, though, do stuff, have some adventures. Challenge myself.

So, back to blogs: Three examples of consistent tone:
Sticky sweet, over the top, almost unbelieveable perfection in life, heavy emphasis on the Joys of Mommyhood: The Pioneer Woman
(it's the ONE blog I go to everyday, as it DOES cheer me - but can her life REALLY be this perfect? gag. Why do I keep reading her...?)

Cynical, negative, complaining: Pasta Queen
(I read her years ago, when she was on an epic weight loss journey. Now she complains a lot, which is boring)

Professional crafter, inspiring, occasional mommy stuff: Betz White
(I LOVE her crafty stuff! and her mommy stuff is totally palatable)

Daily diary, thoughtful, honest, my favorite: Crazy Aunt Purl
(I want to be her friend. I really do. This is the best-written "diary" blog I've read)

Crazy Aunt Purl is why I started this blog. I just wanted a place to kind of vomit out my thoughts. But, I think I'm the only one who's really interested in my thoughts. And not even I am, sometimes, y'know? I just need to get 'em out. Mostly, I just post when something strikes my fancy or interests me. I made it private for a long while, 'cause no one was reading it anyway, except my Sis. But, I like the thought of the vulnerability of being out there in the world, open to ridicule and disdain, or maybe even find a kindred spirit. I hide myself away all the time. I hide in my cave, don't answer the phone, I stay secret. And yearn for a connection.

I think I'll continue posting my likes, my whines, my whatevers, and just be more consistent with the frequency of posts. If you're interested in my voice, I hope you'll let me hear yours, too, and leave a comment. Mostly, I hope to develop some consistency in life!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

round n round

How do I break the circle of lazyness? I want to be healthier, but doing any exercise hurts and is boring. I want to eat more healthfully, but stuff my face with Dorito's. Where can I buy some self-discipline and break the vicious cycle of self-defeat?
A Vicious Cycle
see more Historic LOL