Tuesday, February 22, 2011

messy head

I've posted and deleted three times now over the past few days.  I'm a little confused about what to do right now to shape my future.  I've been very passive for the last ten years, it seems, and now my life is... not what I want.  I want more.  More joy, more fun, more connection.

Change is so scary to me.  I really, really like stability.  I've been choosing unsatisfying stability over risk for a long, long time.  Maybe it's time to change - but change what?  Everything?  One thing?  Which thing?



Ashley said...

Maybe there's a cause you're interested in?

Hell if I know, but I'm listening!

Homebody said...

hmmm.... a cause.... The Literacy Center is ALWAYS looking for volunteers.... I'm going to think about this, Ashley. Life needs a focus! Thanks! Miss you!!!

Ashley said...

In my experience, working with adults is very rewarding. Miss you guys too!