Monday, February 14, 2011


I love to read blogs. Reading other people's thoughts. It's kinda voyeuristic, kinda snoopy, kinda gossipy. I enjoy it. The best ones, of course, have a focus. Weight loss, family, illness/recovery, far-off adventure, whatever. Mine's just my diary, really; whatever amuses me or whatever I'm whining about that day. A focus would be good.

It does reflect my life, though. I don't have ambition, direction, passion.... After a childhood dominated by chaos, I deeply value security and safety. This makes for a rather dull life, I suspect. But it's comfortable. I've been thinking I need to branch out, though, do stuff, have some adventures. Challenge myself.

So, back to blogs: Three examples of consistent tone:
Sticky sweet, over the top, almost unbelieveable perfection in life, heavy emphasis on the Joys of Mommyhood: The Pioneer Woman
(it's the ONE blog I go to everyday, as it DOES cheer me - but can her life REALLY be this perfect? gag. Why do I keep reading her...?)

Cynical, negative, complaining: Pasta Queen
(I read her years ago, when she was on an epic weight loss journey. Now she complains a lot, which is boring)

Professional crafter, inspiring, occasional mommy stuff: Betz White
(I LOVE her crafty stuff! and her mommy stuff is totally palatable)

Daily diary, thoughtful, honest, my favorite: Crazy Aunt Purl
(I want to be her friend. I really do. This is the best-written "diary" blog I've read)

Crazy Aunt Purl is why I started this blog. I just wanted a place to kind of vomit out my thoughts. But, I think I'm the only one who's really interested in my thoughts. And not even I am, sometimes, y'know? I just need to get 'em out. Mostly, I just post when something strikes my fancy or interests me. I made it private for a long while, 'cause no one was reading it anyway, except my Sis. But, I like the thought of the vulnerability of being out there in the world, open to ridicule and disdain, or maybe even find a kindred spirit. I hide myself away all the time. I hide in my cave, don't answer the phone, I stay secret. And yearn for a connection.

I think I'll continue posting my likes, my whines, my whatevers, and just be more consistent with the frequency of posts. If you're interested in my voice, I hope you'll let me hear yours, too, and leave a comment. Mostly, I hope to develop some consistency in life!


Anonymous said...

Hi :)

Homebody said...

Hi! Yay!

Ashley said...

It took me this long to realize that I could click on the Homebody link and it would take me somewhere. I wasn't ignoring you, I'm just... technologically challenged.

Homebody said...

Hey, you just learned something! Awesome, eh?

Sis said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Sis!!! I love you every day!


Homebody said...

SIS!!! I love you everyday, too! Are you using your "hearts" cloths I made you? :-)