Wednesday, February 9, 2011

round n round

How do I break the circle of lazyness? I want to be healthier, but doing any exercise hurts and is boring. I want to eat more healthfully, but stuff my face with Dorito's. Where can I buy some self-discipline and break the vicious cycle of self-defeat?
A Vicious Cycle
see more Historic LOL


Sis said...

Hi Sis,

I wish I could give you the answer in a box. I can't, but I'll offer all the help and support I possibly can. Feel free to accept it or not, since happiness is a customized goal.

That picture of the "Are You HAPPY?" flowchart on FB is a simple, terrific guide. I keep hearing how influential diet is in our overall health. It makes sense. If you can stand to read another link from me, check this out: I actually haven't read the whole thing yet, and I don't think you need to copy her meal photo-blog (unless you want to). I think she makes some really valid points at the beginning, and I like the title of the piece. You gotta do healthy things for you because YOU ARE WORTH IT. It doesn't mean you can't ever have Doritos. I'll email you more.

Lots of love,

Homebody said...

Thank you, Sis! I love you and am so grateful you're my Sis. I'll check out that blog!
Love you!