Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another Boot Camp

I thought exercise was supposed to give you endorphins?  I just feel like crying!  ugh.  I know it will get better.  Right now, I'm just shocked, SHOCKED, at how weak I am.  Wow.  Two years of sitting on one's ass, surfing the 'net will do that to a body, I suppose.  I'll keep at it, I'll get stronger, it'll get better. The other two women in the class are in their 50's and they are in WAY better shape than me.

But I do NOT want to wind up looking like this:

I wish I had someone to share this with, though.  Most of my friends are already in super shape, running marathons and shit.  I think one reason I want a dog so very, very badly is that it would be a companion.  Some day, some day....

I've looked on Craig's List for exercise partner type listings and they're out there.  It just feels really random.  I want a FRIEND, y'know?  But to have a friend, as the saying goes, you have to BE a friend and I'm not very good at that (as I have been told by The Blonde).

Things are going to get a little worse before they get better and knowing that helps me be prepared.

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