Sunday, May 30, 2010

hot but a bit better today

It's just been all doom and gloom and irritable and angry and cranky and ... just ick in my heart and mind. So, I haven't posted anything. But my back is getting better, though there's still some numbness in my right arm and hand. Makes it tricky to carry, hold, and reach for stuff. But I do think it's getting better and I think how I sleep (full-on my right shoulder) might have something to do with it. The bad thing is I bashed my wrist into a small metal post and now my hand hurts like CRAZY. I'm afraid ('cause my default is ALWAYS to go to "Worst Case Scenario") I broke something in there. There's a weird divot, then a bump, a really deep bruise and major weakness in that hand now. BUT! I think in reality, it's just a really, really, super-duper bad bruise, 'cause I can still move all my fingers and thumb, and grip stuff. SO! There's all the bad news. Oh, one more thing: The new guy at work is very annoying. end of bad stuff.

The good stuff! We got a replacement air conditioner, no argument from him (usually, I have to describe what, explain how, and defend why I think we should do something - this is usually pointless, as, if it's not his idea, it's not the right idea. SO maddening) beyond a few questions/challenges. He's putting it in right now. I told him I'd do it, but I have to admit, I knew he'd WANT to put it in, because he does seem to enjoy making projects more complicated than I think they have to be. Now, to be fair, he usually thinks things through WAY more thoroughly than I do and plans ahead and stuff like that, so his end-product lasts longer, though it takes him a really long time to do it. I just jump in and do it. If it's wrong, I'll fix it later, maybe. So, which is better? I don't know. Probably his.

Also, I finally wore him down on the subject of sheer curtains for the new HUGE window/french doors in the dining room. He did NOT want anything blocking the view. I just wanted something to soften up the room, add some color, and something that would be available to pull across and lower the solar gain. He tried to convince me that the solar gain was negligible, but you can feel the ROASTING HOT sun in there, so I didn't even let him finish that false argument. I mean, they are new windows, so I'm sure the sun-heat is WAY less than the old windows, but it's still very hot, indeed. And, since we both just really, really hate the heat, why NOT try the sheers? geez. So, I said I'd hang the curtains (which needed the rod re-hung, since it's a new wall), but he'd lost the brackets. I said, "No problem. A stapler works great." Well, that made him find them pretty quick. I said I'd hang the rod, but, again, I KNEW he'd want to do it, because the way he does things is always better (in his opinion) than the way I do things. No skin off my nose. I was totally willing to do it, but he said he would. It took him an hour (an HOUR!) but now it's done and
Also, I switched out the heavy, dark, insulating curtains in the living room (they help IMMENSELY on cold nights, to keep the heat in) to light, breezy sheers that not only look soft and pretty and lighter for Summer, but will help reduce solar gain without turning the room into a cave!
Now for the boring bits: After we got the air conditioner, we went out for lunch (a splurge, we really shouldn't have, but it was nice to go out) and my sandwich was DELICIOUS! Back home, I did some laundry, went for a walk to the Library (20 mins) read outside in the sunshine and finally took a shower.
Im fatter than ever, my hair is a total mess (color, cut and condition all just dreadful), I hardly have any clothes that fit my fat body, but today, I feel good. I won some battles, did some chores, got some exercise and had some fun.
Today is a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honey! Damnit, see a doctor about your wrist/numbness. You are so much better at taking care of yourself than I am, and I envy your ability/courage to face doctors, and here you are being like me. Your health is far more valuable than anything you can buy, and once you know how serious the problem is, you can do whatever, but you gotta know what's going on. Dang, I went to the doctor about my back and found out I've got lousy posture...

on a more positive note...

Victories are great. I find myself having to defend/compete for a lot of decisions with John. I'm sick of it, frankly, but maybe that's life. I'm so glad you're getting victories and enjoying them. I'm under some dark clouds now, too. Small victories help in big ways. Where does backing someone up cross the line to giving in?

I've still got to book a flight to visit this summer. I'll try to come during your time off. I'm double-booked for pet sitting this Sun-Wed. I'm regretting it.

Enjoy your a/c and sheers. Sounds lovely in the house!

Love ya heaps,