Sunday, June 5, 2011

fear feeds on air

I accepted an invitation to dinner from an aquaintance who is pretty involved in the social scene here in The Upper North, and I was really nervous about it. Like, bladder-emptying nervous. I accepted because I'm fed up with and impatient and disgusted with my social anxiety. I wanted to cancel, desperately, because social anxiety is real and not to be dismissed. It effing sucks. But, thanks to a casual friend's casual comment, I had a mantra to take with me and give me strength.

Darnell, my casual friend, after listening to my fears, said "Go forth and be cool."

As simple as that. So I did! I was just me. Not "Nervous Me," or "Let Me Amuse You Me" or whatever. I didn't fake a damn thing. I was open to this total roomful of total strangers and just decided it didn't matter what happened. And it was all good!

I even got called "cool!" I mean... WOW!

It was good. It was really good! I neither made a fool of myself nor fucked up! I was mostly appropriate and didn't embarrass myself and Handsome and I both had a very nice time and met some really interesting people. It was a good evening, one I would have missed if I'd listened to my ever-present fear, which needs nothing but air to thrive.

Fear needs nothing to expand. It takes a huge effort to overcome it. And, sometimes, it is ABSOLUTELY worth that big effort!

Whew! Thanks to Darnell, for the Mantra!

Go forth and be cool.


Anonymous said...

This made my day!


Homebody said...

Love you, Sis!!!