Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday USA!

Our little neighborhood has a parade every July 4th. At 7:30 a.m., a neighbor down the street turns his (rather impressively loud and high quality) speakers so they face outdoors and turns "Stars and Stripes Forever" up to ELEVEN!

All the participants line up a few blocks away and the parade starts! All the neighbors come out and sit or stand in front of their houses and wave at the kids and the politicians and the firetrucks. It's a lot of fun!

We start with a police honor guard and some fire trucks.

Lots of kids pimp out their rides and they're so solemn as they pedal their bikes in a chaotic scrum.

Big kids have their own bikes.

People also make "floats." I really liked the detail of this Recycle float.

There are many beaYOOtiful old cars (my favorite part!)

a politician's pretty Caddy

These folks were in period dress and looked SO elegant!

This guy was GEEKED to be in the parade! He loves his Cutlass and so do I! His wife (?) shouted to me, "It usually decorates our driveway!" She looked like she was having fun, though, waving and tossing Tootsie Rolls to the spectators (oh, hell, yeah, I scored some!)

There is a "band" that plays and marches. Usually, it's pretty awful, since it's just 'hood folks, but this year, in honor of the 75th anniversary of the parade, we got some REAL musicians, including a USN sailor!

I admit, I got a little choked up when he came by. I shouted out "Thank you for your service, Sailor!" He represents true sacrifice for love of country, to me.

Here's a weird vehicle. Mr. Handsome found this info about it. I wish I had one!


We've also got Miss Liberty and Uncle Sam.

Each year, a boy and a girl from the neighborhood are elected to represent our national avatars. They walk in costume in the parade and they recite the Pledge of Allegiance after the parade, which starts off the huge potluck that goes on in the alley. (Mr. Handsome and I are too stuck in our hermit ways shy to join the potluck, so we just stay home.)

The end of the parade arrives with an old firetruck, a calliope and Our Finest.

Have a fun and safe Independence Day!

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