Friday, July 3, 2009

yogurt and blueberries and rambling

Hey, instead of cereal for breakfast, I'm having YOGURT and BLUEBERRIES! My life is so exciting. Actually, I prefer it this way, I think. Excitement isn't all it's cracked up to be, necessarily. But there are certainly thrilling things that happen. For instance, the Hell Beast (Cleo, all 5.9 pounds of her) adds a lot of excitment, especially in the morning. She pounces on my face, my chest, my legs, complaining all the while in a very piercing "RAWR!" Yup, I have a kitty alarm clock. I know it really IS time to get up and feed the beast from hell when she eventually attacks Sweet Bubba, who likes to lounge against or between my legs, nice and quiet and warm. Poor cat. Cleo attacks him with voice, body and claws; he flies off the bed as though pulled by a high tension wire. Ah, morning... so peaceful... HA!

Tomorrow, Independence Day, Mr. Handsome wants to go sailing. On a sailboat. On Lake Michigan. He'll be the captain. I'll be... ballast? 'Cause I sure as shit can't crew. Also, he wants to bring along a total stranger, who's a friend of his sister's, who's in town to chaperone her kid while he visits his dad (her ex). He also wants to bring along another total stranger, the girlfriend of the guy who owns the boat. I sense a trend.... Any other random women with a tenuous connection to Mr. Handsome want to join us? I keep telling myself it'll be fun. I'm just not in the mood to make small talk with total strangers. Hell on waves. Anyhoo, if we drown, someone's got to feed the Hell Beasts.

Anyone out there wondering whatever happened to the electric scooter?

I'm so ashamed to admit this, but I've never used it. I'm too big, for one thing (I look ridiculous), it's not street legal and I just plain feel foolish on it. I should try to sell it NOW, while it's Summertime. sigh So, there is sits, on top of our woodpile, under the canoe that we never use.

I've got lots of pics to share from a Solstice Party Mr. Handsome's parents gave. It was fun! So, check back soon-ish. Right now, I need more coffee.

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