Friday, May 6, 2011


How can one celebrate accomplishments when all one can think about are one's failures?  Also, one person's accomplishments are nothing to a different person.  Like, I can make really tasty gravy.  I just can. I'm not bragging, it's just a fact.  Like, Adele can sing well.  Just a fact.  So, for my sister-on-law, who claims to be not able to make gravy, for her to make yummy, rich, delicious, smooth gravy is a real accomplishment!

For me, getting outside is huge.  HUGE.  Even to check the mail.  Gardening is a real chore, because I'm so far outside.  Grocery shopping is torture and malls are horrifying.  It really sucks. I understand this discomfort comes from a sense of being not in control.  I'm learning that I really like being in control and sometimes think I have more control than I do.  I need to learn how to accept, embrace even, NOT being in control.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sis,

Today I broke a vacuum, dented a floor, and have put off piano practice for a 4th day. My greatest accomplishment today was catching a green light that has always caught me as a red light. I cheer that small victory!


Homebody said...

I am so glad you had that green light! Sometimes that all we get in a day - a small victory.

Love you bunches,
Sis (back at cha!)