Thursday, May 21, 2009


I've had this whole week off. I was SUPPOSED (my emphasis, my expectations) to paint the dining room and organize (muck out) the spare bedroom. I've done neither. I've read a lot, ate a lot, watched a lot of videos... basically, I just hung out and had a vacation.

Today, I went out for breakfast with my neighbor and we talked about losing weight, beauty, health, getting older, that type of thing. Then I babysat some kitties and went shopping for summer tops at Goodwill. I used to wear a small or XS. Today, the MEDIUMS didn't even fit! I am into a large now.

There's no ignoring when your clothes don't fit. I realized I'm sick of talking about losing weight. I'm tired of saying "I should (fill in the health goal blank)." I've let myself down a lot of times. It's boring, even to me, to listen to myself.

I looked at this blog (Relax, Refresh, and Rejuvenate). This post makes sense, every single point on it. SO! We walked to and from breakfast (1 mile), I did some strength exercises and I finally took my weight for real (which I'm not gonna share just now. Suffice it to say, I was saddened). Here's to trying again! And getting up and trying again if I fail.


Anonymous said...


Failure isn't falling down, it's falling down and staying down. I think Mary Pickford said that.

Or, as Yoda might say: try you must.


Homebody said...

Yoda: The answer always he has.

Thanks, Sis!

I love you!