Sunday, May 3, 2009

Scoot scoot!

I bought an electric scooter! It's a toy, really, sold through a major retailer that has trouble aligning its central letter properly, but I got it through an internet classifieds site.

I know I look BEYOND ridiculous on it. I should really get a real scooter or better yet a motorcycle. But, what the hey! This is fun, too! Even if it's NOT street legal.

I really do look silly on it.
But, golly, it is fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenn-Jenn, You rule! I was reading and saw you had some tests performed - why did you not call to tell me??? I am glad to read all is well. I have FUN Saturday with you and Mr. Handsome! I love you Jenn-Jenn! : ) LOL, Lima