Saturday, February 6, 2010


I'm fascinated by the Snowpocalypse in the Mid-Atlantic, particularly in D.C. It's so very strange to see the monuments covered in snow!

I just finished reading "The Piano Teacher," about the English in Hong Kong just before, during and after WWII. That's a super-simplified summary. It gave me nightmares. There's no joy in the book. It's gripping, fascinating, and I cared enough about the characters and story to stay up waaaaaaay past bedtime to finish it; then I had nightmares about brutality and prison camps. ugh. Why are depressing books so popular?!? If you liked "The Poisonwood Bible," you'll like "The Piano Teacher." ugh.

The sun is out this morning! YAY! Yesterday was very gray and heavy. Today is sparkly! I hope my workday goes quickly.

HEY!!! I was just looking at one of my FAVE blogs, Starlet Showcase, and C. Parker has visited here and gave me a shout-out on Jan 31! Thanks, C.!

I love the Internet.1970's Neil Peart Totally Looks Like Inigo Montoya
see more Celeb Look-A-Likes

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