Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lightning Round

Well, golly, lots of stuff going on, I just haven't written about it! I'll try to fill you in in a jiffy with a LIGHTNING ROUND!

The young woman who teaches the exercise class I'm taking looks JUST like Maggie Gyllenhaal. Spitting image, really. She (the teach) has no sense of rhythm, which both cracks me up (she's an aerobics instructor, for goodness sake!) and annoys me (she's an aerobics instructer, sheesh!). She doesn't keep count either on beat with the music she chooses or in a consistent beat. It certainly makes me focus more on what I'm doing!

Mr Handsome and I went to a wine tasing event a couple of nights ago. I learned a bit about white wines (balancing the tart or acidic with the sweet) and aromas. I love learning about wine! It was ok. The other people there were rather serious. I was just there for fun and learning. We did meet a couple, Nancy and Andy, who were very cute. They've been married for over 30 years and Andy isn't really into wine. He was just there to be with her. SWEET! He looked JUST like DeNiro. I kept staring at him! He had the squint, the facial ticks, the nose, just everything! hee hee! I had wine with DeNiro!

This morning, I got up at dawn to go have breakfast with Cinnamon. I've mentioned her before, but I don't think I've ever given our history. We were peons together in Retail Administration for a big bank. Sometimes, we were treated like team partners; other times, like office furniture. She's an inspiring woman, very calm, determined, elegant. Yet, has a sense of adventure and the ridiculous. Complicated. I like her!

So, anyway, it was worth getting up so early. I always enjoy talking with her and we've decided to take a motorcycle safety/driving class together this Spring and had lots to talk about. I'm excited and nervous and REALLY looking forward to it. We met at this little café that I've been meaning to check out, called Red Jet Café. It's in an old library (which was a bank before that), so you KNOW I'm predisposed to liking it! The food (Greek Omelet and coffee) was delicious! Too ginormous, though; I had to take half of it home and the waitress was worried I didn't like it. SWEET! She wanted to make sure I enjoyed myself! I love that. Anyhoo, hanging with Cinnamon was a great way to start the day! Look at her beautiful hair. I need to get a decent flat iron.

Well! I'm gonna go try to get warm, and do some more READING!

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