Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Well, it's been a busy, busy couple of weeks! And yet, nothing really unusual has happened. Hmmm.... I had cereal for breakfast today....

Actually, last weekend, Bro was in town for a blink, just to check over his now-empty house and clean it up. I wish I had his energy and discipline! My house is so messy and, I fear, dirty. Gross, I know. I just can't seem to find the gumption, energy, will to clean it! Maybe moving to the cottage is the solution. It's much, much smaller and would be easier to keep clean. It's easy to say things like "set a timer and clean for x# of minutes" or "just start and you'll keep going - it's the getting started that's the hard part, just force yourself" or "start in one corner of one room and focus on only that so you don't get overwhelmed" all good suggestions, but not helpful, really. I KNOW all that stuff already. It is the getting started, yes that's true... and I remain stalled. An engine in need of a tune-up or downright repair. I think it's my distributor. All the energy and power is going to things other than housework!

Anyway, it was great, great, great to see Bro and George (his son, my nephew). He looks like George Clooney. True! He's a really good person, I hope he's proud of himself for how he's turned out! He's caring and thoughtful and gregarious and sweet. I love my nephew! Mr Handsome and I took them to see the cottage. George and Mr Handsome made the cottage seem really tiny - they're both well over 6 feet tall! Me and Bro fit right in - short Italian people!

I've been struggling with my wardrobe, too. I have a lot of t-shirts that simply are NOT appropriate for the bookstore (if any t-shirts are, actually, which I doubt, but mine aren't, for sure)! Most have a "cute" thing on them, like a saying or a picture, etc. Too young, probably, for me in general, but certainly not right for the bookstore. I try to go shopping, but can't find anything. Of course, I'm only going to thrift stores. I just hate spending $30 for a shirt at a "real" store!!! That's TEN shirts at a thrift shop! TEN! So. I either need to go thrifting more often, or I need to go shopping for real.

Hometown Girl and I met in Saugatuck last week and had a great time, non-stop chatting! I got VERY sunburnt. Stupid me. I KNOW better! Ah, well! It's Summertime! Gotta get a burn at least once! It really was wonderful to just hang out with her for a few hours. Just drift through the little town, stopping now and again for food or shopping. I hope we can do that again, soon.

The condiments are in the Bud Light 6-pack holder. This picture in no way endorses Bud Light as a beer, unless one is drinking it after some strenuous physical activity and even then ONLY if no water is available. Or juice. Or, hell, milk! Anything! Light beer! eckh.

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