Sunday, August 17, 2008


This Summer has been so beautiful, like a memory. When I was a kid, all the summers were gorgeous and not too hot, with just the right number of thunderstorms. I wish I could savor Summer like I did when I was a kid. But I don't want to be a kid again. Nope.

I'm just in a really good mood right now. Finished IMing with Bro and Sissie and Spy Master earlier. I love my family. I miss my family. I wish, I wish, I WISH I could be closer, geographically, to all the people I love. * sigh * But wait, I AM in a super-duper good mood.

The weather has been exemplary. I've been babysitting Samba, the best dog in the whole wide world. Everyone is as healthy and happy as can be (as far as I know). It's a good time.

I love my job and I work with really good, truly good, people. And the guys down the street, Mr Charles and Mr Wealthy... I feel like knowing them is a gift. They add sunshine to cloudy days! They add pink to my cotton candy! they make me smile.... I don't have a picture, though. Maybe in the future.
This is me and Gina! She's in charge of the kids' area and she knows her shit, let me tell you!

I am almost afraid to allow myself to feel as happy as I want to feel about this job. It's my dream job. I want this bookstore to do WELL! I want it to be a place where people make sure they go, where they tell all their friends and they go, too! I want it to suceed.

So, this is just a postcard, really, of life today. This very day. I hope anyone reading this is ALSO having a good life today!

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