Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lovely Holidays

Well, it's almost all over! The pressure, the stress, the successes and failures! Goodbye to the Holiday Season! Due to weather, I had to cancel 2 trips, and I don't mind at ALL! We just stayed home and had a very Merry Christmas, in our jammies. I wish so strongly, so fervently, that ALL the people I want to see lived closer. All the Homegirls, Sis and Bro, Mamma and Papa - they all live so far away.... I miss them all dreadfully. So, this year, I'll be travelling more, so I can see them more often!
I'm on the phone with Sis. She gave me FIVE POUNDS of Gummi Letters (which I'd also asked for for my B-day (gummis, ymmies!)) and insisted I enjoy them responsibly, seeing as how I'm trying to not get fatter, lose weight, even! So, we agreed that I should spell a word, each time I delve into the FIVE POUND bag!


Anonymous said...

Gummi letters making (not-so)secret Christmas code ... what prophetic candy! How's that spelling-before-swallowing working out with the rest of the bag?

Your Miss Kitty looks EXACTLY like the kitty I'm caring for right now - Hannah. Right down to the white mittens and the roundish belly!


Homebody said...

Awwww, Hannah sounds cute, and what a cute name for a kitty, too! I'm still making words with the gummis; sometimes they might be foreign, or Martian, but they're words, dangit!

Love you Sis!