Monday, December 29, 2008

Hobby House Day

We went to the Hobby House today (after I visited my FAVORITE DOG in the WHOLE wide world)! It was a beautiful, sunny, cold day, really nice for driving into the country. We shared a delicious sandwich from Lucky's and some rather salty soup (this from someone whose father said she "must be part seagull, the way you eat salt.").

While we were at the Hobby House, we cleaned up the mess left behind from the removal of a chimney, cleaned out the "basement" (I use the "" because it's such a TINY space, less than a quarter of the size of the footprint of the house, which is listed at 682 sq.ft. and so low that Mr Handsome simply can NOT stand upright. It's really more of a cold cellar), and then he mucked around, bashing out holes in walls to see what was behind them and I huddled under many layers and read a book. And listened to lot of excellent classic rock, courtesy of WLAV! Man! It was just tune after tune that I loved! No crappy stuff! Yay!

Then we talked about how we'll set up the house (eventually) and drank tea. We have an electric kettle that Hometown Girl gave me many years ago. She and I used to drink pots of tea together. I miss the Home Girls!


Anonymous said...

Photographic evidence that Mr. Handsome is going through some kind of 80's phase: check out the Michael Jackson glove and the George Michael stubble. He's not the first George Michael Jackson, I'm sure, but he's certainly the tallest. And his singing skills? In the spirit of the 80's Cold War, that's his covert operation.

80's Power Forever!


Homebody said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The GLOVE!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! ok, gotta catch my breath....

His beard is actually pretty full, but it's so grey that the flash makes it disappear! He didn't shave over Christmas Break, but jsut shaved last night.

George Michael Jackson - HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!