Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Slightly chagrined

How funny is THIS?!?! I'm gonna do this to the next doz I buy, 'cause Mr Handsome, I swear, he's addicted to eggs. This'll crack (heh heh) him up!

So, the Prius refused to start today. Maybe she was enjoying her long weekend (I actually had Saturday off!). Maybe she's out of shape since she doesn't have to work out very hard anymore. I dunno. But anyway, she wouldn't start. And it's kinda cold out, though this morning, it was above freezing and rainy, so not too cold. I walked to work. It was good for me, if rather slippy. I asked Mr Handsome to pick me up on his way home, though. I'm not a glutton for punishment, after all.

I do just have to say, though, that, I love having a Prius and all the smugness that implies (and that's where the chagrinedness comes in, 'cause I'm totally Smug, with a Capital S, about having a holier-than-SUV hybrid), but she's not the Tercel. I truly loved that cutie-cute car. She was the BEST CAR EVER. ever. Never a moment's trouble (ok, except for that nasty habit of overheating). I loved loved loved that car. I think she might be my fave car ever. Or ever to be. We'll see.

We went to the Cottage for dinner and enjoyed some delish sammys and beer (Bell's Two Hearted (click on the bottles to view), what I was enjoying at the Hobby House yesterday!) and just super-comfy ambiance. We both love that place. Just love it! AND it has a fireplace which is jussodarn cozy. Mostly, it's all about the relaxed, laid-back, very friendly service and good beer.

I was very tired by the end of the work day today, 'cause not only did I WALK TO WORK (took me 35 minutes, not long at all, don't feel sorry for me in the slightest, honestly), but I was SUPER-BUSY 'cause Book Doc had an interview in the paper yesterday and all sorts of paper-readers came in to check us out! YAY! It was a Thousand Dollar Day (approx), which rarely happens, even on the WEEKEND! YIPPEE!!! And I'm tired, 'cause I didn't get to sit down at all, not all day, and had no lunch, either. Which is sad. 'Cause I love food. I love to eat. mmmmm.... fooooooood.......

Just now, Mr Handsome and I shovelled off our hill of a driveway and the front walk, 'cause the rain turned to snow and ice and the Prius (all charged up by the TT) won't be able to safely negotiate the slippy slope tomorrow if we don't keep it clear. The snow is very pretty and shiny, but extremely heavy and sticky, like wet concrete. So, I got a hell of a workout today! Walking! Shovelling! Beer Drinking! Regardless, I signed Mr H and I up for Yoga classes starting in January, and I'm starting a "Deep Water Aerobics" class (sounds so serious!), too. We've taken yoga classes together before, and we're both really looking forward to it again. I love yoga! I always feel so much better (and LOOK so much better) when I'm doing yoga regularly.

This amazing trixter is awesome.

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