Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day!

( is the BEST!)

Seriously, I just can't get my act together gracefully in the mornings! But I do always make sure the kitty litter is cleaned. Oh, yeah; ya don't wanna mess around with that!

I got a snow day today! All the schools are closed, we're getting heavy snow, mixed with sleet in some places, and thunderstorms are possible (SHEESH!) I still want to do some Christmas shopping, though. I have no idea, at all, what to get people. It's just a drag to go buy crap that the recipient probably doesn't even like, much less want. This is the biggest reason I don't enjoy Christmas. I love to give gifts, I really do. Seeing someone's face light up when you've given him/her just the perfect gift brings helium to my heart. On the flip side, giving her/him something just for the sake of giving a gift brings no joy or lightness to anyone's heart. It detracts from the experience of giving AND receiving.

Anyway, the snow just keeps coming! I think I'll go shovel a bit. Mr Handsome said, an hour ago, that he was going to snowblow, but he looks pretty comfy!


Anonymous said...

Oh what pretty snow! How Christmasy! You'll have a white Christmas ...

...speaking of Christmas ... there's still time to send me the Santa head. My ONLY Christmas wish...

As a proxy for myself, I lifted your picture of it and have it on my desktop. It's SO CHEERY!


Homebody said...

One of the Weather People said, in the newspaper (I think it was) that we'd have a white Christmas unless we "collide with the sun." HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Love it!

Now, you're making me feel so GUILTY about the Santa head! DANG! And I don't think it'll get there by Christmas, anyway. Hmmm..., how guilty do I feel...?

Love ya, Sis!