Monday, May 19, 2008

Pretty as a

When Mr Handsome and I were wandering around, looking in resale shops for an Anniversary Outfit for me, we came across a fave art gallery of ours and I commented on how very much I liked a couple of the paintings in the windows (you can see where this is going, I bet). Well, the next day, I went off to take care of sweet TJ kitty and darling Samba (best boy dog in the world), which takes a good couple of hours. I cam home and there it was, above the fireplace, looking JUST RIGHT! Turns out, he'd been in that neighborhood earlier in the week, taking the car to the "doctor" and saw the paintings, too. Admired both of them, just as I had. Liked the firey one the best, as did I. Sometimes I think we're never going to make it, that we've got zip in common. Other times, I think we're more alike than I realize. I know it's time to get to re-know each other before it's too late.

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