Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

(updated 9/21 with more pics at the end!)

Queen For A Day!


I'm working all day today, babysitting Samba

and working at the bookstore, but that's ok, 'cause it's still my BIRTHDAY! Sissie already sent me a box o' goodies, which I was going to wait to open until today, but I opened it last night. Except for the wrapped gifts! The Gummi Bears were NOT wrapped, so I immediately dove in!

AND she sent me "Robin of Sherwood, Season 1"which made me SQUEAL with joy! I loooooove that TV show and Michael Praed was such a good Robin! And so lovely to look at...

At the bookstore, my AWESOME boss, Book Doctor, gave me delish chocolate cupcakes (which I shared with all the customers; I am SO generous! ;} ) AND sent me flowers from "Wealthy at Charles;" so NICE of her!

I also set up a shelf with some of my favorite things. I actually sold a copy of Persuasion from it! YAY!

When I got home, Mr Handsome had set up a cake (with my name on it! My first birthday cake to have my name on it!) and candles and flowers and champagne! Here's the cake and then my Birthday Haul.

All in all, a really, really good birthday. The customers in the store were all very nice to me, happy to share my enthusiasm for my birthday (and my cupcakes), Mr Handsome and I watched ZULU, a GREAT film about a battle in Africa in 1879 at Rorke's Drift, and it was just, all around, a really great day!


Anonymous said...


I hope the chocolate bar I sent was in good shape. That whole box sat in my car, waiting to go to the post office, and I didn't take into account that the car would get quite warm with the sun beating down on it.


*in case you forgot

Homebody said...

Thanks, Sis!

The chocolate bar is history. It was in perfect shape! You are wonderful!

Love you BUNCHES!