Monday, September 8, 2008


Yay! 'Puter's back! And it got a shiny new keyboard! Apparently, my enthusiasm for multi-tasking (i.e. eating pizza while playing on the 'puter) contributed to the demise of the Motherboard. Gunk got in. Also, many of the letters were blank, as the oils from our (my) fingers (food) removed the ink which told us which one was which. So, I've been told that I should reconsider my snacking-style. This is good. This is a good thing. Hopefully, I'll both eat less AND play on the computer less! And READ MORE!

Job is going GRRRRRRREAT! Loving it! I'm gonna have to get more bookshelves, though. I keep bringing work home! hee hee!

And a big THANKS shout-out to Lima, who has been so supportive and sweet to me, as I get even more comfy in the job. She and her beansprouts have come to the store several times. And even bought stuff! It just means a lot to me that she's come in. Thanks, Lima!

Mr. Handsome's mom came in, too! Which also means a lot to me, since she's got very little time of her own. She's waaaaay busy, so I was very pleased she came in.

more animals

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