Saturday, August 8, 2009

Rainy, steamy, slow day; and I like links.

Golly, today was slow at the Bookstore. Really slow. With no winning at the end, like the tortoise. It was just a slow, rainy, steamy day. EuropeBoy went home early, after winning our coin-toss to see who'd reduce the payroll burden for the day. Lucky dude. Mr Handsome spent the day working on the airing porch deck-railing. It RAINED today, hard, like being in a shower. He's soaked right through to his tightie-whities. Poor guy, he hates few things worse than being in hot and muggy environs. The deck he's finishing up will look GREAT when he's done.

So, now I'm waiting for the pizza and hot wings to arrive (I've already got the beer, in hand NOW!) and will give you some more pics of the Sibs Reunion! YAY! CHEERS! YIPPEE!!
Sis and Mr Handsome and I stopped at a sweet new brewery on our way to Hoosierville. We had refreshing adult beverages and DELISH food!

The next day, we went "white-water rafting" in South Bend. It was harder than the pictures make it look! AND it was a LOT of fun! Two (or was it three?) boats ahead of us capsized and, let me tell you, that is one NARROW channel they've got us in there. It's called a race. The pics aren't actually us, 'cause, hello, how would we take our own pics? but they kinda show what we were doing.

This picture doesn't show perspective well. That is a DROP, people, a real DROP! And worse is to come, though I've got no pics of that. We managed to stay upright. Mr and Mrs Puffythinginthesky both got DRENCHED and pushed over by the waves that tried to drown us two or three times. But, our Captain Handsome piloted us around the floaters (people AND debris) in the rampaging water and we finished the course with our dignity and pride intact!

So we went to get lunch!
(How cute is Sis?)

Kilroy was with us.
He always knows the best places to go!

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