Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sis and Sunshine!

My sibs and I get together once a year, just once a year (if we're lucky and the planets all align properly, allowing us time and funds to do so). This year, Sis came ahead of time and we spent a day with Mr. Handsome at the Hobby House and environs!
No pics of the HH, but we DID enjoy food and drink and the beautiful lake, if only too briefly. NEXT year, we'll plan better, so we'll have more time together.
Here we are having lunch.

The marquee reads like a strip club.

Here's after lunch (and a couple pints of bitter).

I love my Sis!

Then we walked up the river to the beach.

Sis and Mr Handsome, strolling along as I run ahead of them to get the shot.

Sis showing how important safety is!

Sis and I strollin' along.

Mr H and The Sisters

Aw, pretty....


Anonymous said...

Hi Sis!

It was a SPECTACULAR trip for me -- I've been looking at pictures every day since I got back. I'm really glad we got to Lake Michigan. It's my "Tara", I think. (Though I don't hold a candle to Scarlett!)

How are your kitties?


ps: weird verification word: "feeley"

Homebody said...

Didn't Sesame Street have a character named "Mr. Feeley?" creepy....

I'm going to add more pics to today's post RIGHT NOW!

Thanks for commenting!

Love you!