Wednesday, August 19, 2009

...the world smiles with you....

We're putting the dining room and the little bathroom back together again, now that the wall paint is on. Hopefully, someday soon, I'll paint the trim, too. Anyway, it'll be nice to have the rooms looking how WE want them to look, rather than how people who lived here over a decade ago wanted them to look. Next up: Spare Bedroom!

This chipper tone of mine goes along with this blog entry I read today. It's always easier to go downhill, to be sucked into the vortex, to drown in the whirlpool, than to climb to the top, fly to safety, or swim harder. But it's much more satisfying to see the view, glide along, or float on the waves than to just be carried away or swept along. I got carried away there, in a big way, with the analogies, eh? Anyhoo. It's easier to find the negative in everything, but what does that get ya? Depressed. Focusing on the positive, CHOOSING to be hopeful and happy: it's harder than it looks. But it's soooooo worth it.

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