Sunday, September 6, 2009

gloom and doom then better through reading!

This week has been strange, and not just for me. It's like a miasma is hanging over lots of people, an invisible net of gloom that the gorgeous and nourishing sunshine can't burn away. And it seems like it's a poison-cloud that's specific to each person. I don't mean to spread it via the intertubes (though I've found it there, too; look at this really beautifully-written essay ); it is just so strange that so many people I've talked to lately have volunteered how blue they feel.
To break out of it, I think I'll drink more coffee. Coffee is a wonder drug!

Seriously, though, It's another beautiful day and I think I will go to a park and just sit in the sunshine with a drink and one of the many books I'm reading right now. I hope Mr. Handsome will join me, but he might want to work on the house (lots of projects going on).
I'm reading The Art of Racing in the Rain, Julie & Julia, Hush, Hush, and I just finished Rendezvous-South Atlantic. I'm about to start The Anthologist and I just bought Wishful Drinking.

There are many, many other books I want to start, too! Golly, I wish I could just read read read all day long, escape into other worlds, not have to go grocery shopping (which, actually, Mr Handsome has done the last couple of times, YAY Mr H!).

Ok, while I was looking for links for Rendezvous (a great read, by the way!), I made another cup o' joe. I'm gonna get started reading, out in the backyard, on the beautiful new deck Mr Handsome built (pictures to come)! I hope everyone out there has a good Labor Day and doesn't let the fog descend!

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