Thursday, September 10, 2009

holy cow, no access!

I wrote most of this this morning, before work.
No phone! It's like HEAVEN! Except that means there is no internet connection. Holy Cow! I'm an addict who can't get a fix!!!

Today is Joe Boyersmith's birthday. We were in elementary school together. A great old building, named after a president. It had a wonderful playground with lots of toys, a big tennis court, a basketball court, a soccer field, a baseball diamond, a wooded hill we'd play pirates, and indians and homesteaders in. It was wonderful. WONDERFUL! The kindergarten room had a beautiful fishpond, I loved the tiles and the water. I loved elementary school.

Joe was the only kid I knew who had a birthday in my birthday month. We were never buddies, he and I, but his mom and my best friend's mom were best friends. They sobbed when the Boyersmiths moved 2k miles away. His mom wrote letters back, relaying how BIG everything grew out there, including Joe; she said he was growing so fast she couldn't keep up with buying his clothes! Funny!

Walking to work today. Fo' sho'. Seeing Furniture Girl and her new baby girl tonight. Bringing delicious Indian food: Palak paneer, chicken korma, chicken vindaloo (so much fun to say! VIN-dah-loooooo), soft, warm, salty nan bread, raita. Golly, I'm hungry already!

I didn't walk. I was too late to walk, but I WAS on time for work. Well, there's always tomorrow.

OK, now it's after work, after seeing the BEAUTIFUL baby (Furniture Girl and Chair Man make lovely humans). The company was truly pleasant, their son is such a cutie, just bright as a button, and their new daughter is perfect perfect perfect! What a nice night! I had a lot of fun but now I'm absolutely pooped.

The internet is not working (again). Apparently, it WAS working, while I was at work, but now it's dead again. Very frustrating, 'cause when I'm at work, I don't have time to check my personal email. Not a big thing, really; I'm just anxious to see if anyone responded to my craigs ad. And, of course, I want to check all the blogs I read! AND update my very own! ;)

The last little bit I wrote after we got home. We still had no internet, so I wrote it all on old-school word processing. This all seems very random. SO! Why not add a random steampunk keyboard? I looooove steampunk stuff. I wish I could find a reeeeeeally good book that's steampunkey.

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