Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I've got a lot of books. A LOT. I just bought two more bookcases, so I can stop tripping over the (several) bags of books I've got. Of course, the bookcases are still hanging out where Mr Handsome and I left them a few days ago. Just randomly. I need to clean out the spare bedroom first, before I can move them in there. And that is going to be a HUGE job. I could have done it this weekend, as I had some time off. But I had too many books to read! Oh, the irony.
So, I've read the entire Percy Jackson series, both Hunger Games books, and something else... what was it... hmmm, can't remember. Anyway, I've read a few books this weekend and I should really do some housework. But, I won't. I'm going to read Wolf Hall instead!

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

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