Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Tonight is my exercise class, the one I THOUGHT was a gentle stretching and strengthening class but turned out to be kinda hardcore, with weights and aerobics and endless sit-ups. The one that knocked me out with pain for a couple weeks. Tonight, I'm going, no matter how tired, no matter how sore. I'm going and that's that. I simply must start to take my life seriously.

I'm going to create a rather rigid schedule for myself, too, just as though I were a pet. Sleeping times, feeding times, exercise times. Dang it, I would be vigilant about it for a dog; I need to care for myself at least as well as I would for a pet!

So, no more staying up reading past midnight. Nope. No more several hours-long sessions on fun (read: waste of time) websites. No more shaker of salt at hand. Less booze, less coffee, less junk food. More water, more veggies, more portion control.

I am 5' 2.5". I weigh over 155 lbs. I'm officially overweight. And my muscles are atrophying.

This will change and I'm begging you, dear reader (stranger, Sister, or friend), to leave me a message encouraging me. I need the help and support. I really do.


Anonymous said...

This is my 2nd try. For some reason, the first one didn't post.

I'll send you all the encouragement I can, Sis! You nailed it when you said you need to care for yourself as well as you care for a pet. You care for your cats AND other people's pets - it's time you channeled that love toward yourself!!

Please don't injure yourself when exercising - don't punish yourself toward improving. Reward yourself instead! Reach a goal and treat yourself to some selfish vain mojo, a snuggle with your sweetie, an extra hour of reading, or knitting me something - stuff you enjoy that's zero calories. Little steps over time will make big progress.

It's said it's easier to keep it off than take it off - so true. I allow myself unlimited gorging on fruits and vegetables. My mouth gets a workout and my body doesn't hate me back for it. This alone keeps me from reaching for a bag of cheetohs. I'm lazy, and it's just easier to keep it off than take it off.

I hope this helps. We can beat the family curse, and there is power in numbers. I hope this posts this time.

Love ya!

Sis said...

Thank you, Sis! What an AWESOME response! I think I'm gonna print it out so I can read it often.
Thank you for all the great ideas, encouragement, and love. You are the BEST sister in the world and I am SOOOOO lucky you're mine!
Love you bunches,
Sis (Homebody, at different 'puter)

Anonymous said...

OK, here's more encouragement: It will be really hard to do. It may be one of the hardest things you've done in a long time. YOU CAN DO IT. You can do ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO (within the realm of natural laws).

I've got to make a lot of changes myself. I'm having trouble even getting started. I hope this encourages me as well as you, 'cause we are worth the effort, honey!

Love ya,

Homebody said...

I am the luckiest person I know, to have YOU for a sister! I love you!