Monday, January 4, 2010


Well, almost every day I plan on writing something, adding a pic, communicating. I dunno, it seems like I don't have any THING to share, y'know?

I did consider having a "Mascara Competition" feature. I need mascara, I REQUIRE it. Without it, my eyes disappear, or look puffy and swollen. Strange. I look strange without mascara. I never used to wear mascara, I just wore eyeliner and a little shadow for definition. I work a strong brow and lip. I was working a mid-century eye. This first pic (minus the nose stud) is a super-close representation of my look back in the '90's.

Here's Audrey to show us how it's done.

Anyhoo, My face has changed and I now need mascara AND eyeliner AND shadow and it just takes so long to get ready to go out, even just to the grocery store. Geez oh peets.

OOP! The pizza just got here! Gotta go! Thanks for reading and I'll be back.

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