Monday, March 1, 2010

All done

I'm going to miss the Olympics. I've never really paid much attention to them before, to be honest. I don't know why THIS Olympics captured my attention in the first place, unless it's because it was in Vancouver, where Sis lived so happily. Looking at all those strong young people makes me want to become stronger, too! I will work on this. Despite the endless cold and clouds and snow.

I wonder if I should get a different job. Mr. Handsome and I cannot make it on my wage alone and my work history is more flexible than his. I mean, he'll always make piles more moolah than I can, but I can get a different job faster. I hope. I'm not a youngster anymore and the kinds of jobs I'm fit for are usually entry-level, young person, menial jobs. Well, we'll see. Maybe a job will come along for him soon. I'm very worried about the immediate future.

March is here and I'm so glad. These gray, heavy skies won't last long.

Off topic,
"Chuck" is back on tonight! I never knew who did the theme song until I heard it on our local indie radio station.
I love all kinds of cake.

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