Saturday, March 13, 2010


ZG (the other bookseller) is young. 20. I remember being 20. The energy, the optimism, the vibrancy of every breath. I'm certainly not old, solidly midde-aged I am, yet I feel none of those things. I'm happy being serene, content, comfortable. * sigh * I just want to sit around and read, or watch a video, maybe order in a pizza. THAT sounds great! PIZZA!

Nothing much happening, really, but Spring is here or at least her herald is. All the snow has melted and I've even seen some crocus leaves cutting their way through the soil. YAY! The kitties are well and enjoy torturing me in the mornings so they can get fed. I can't blame them, really; I love breakfast, too. Especially eggs and bacon. mmmm....

obviously, I'm hungry. I got home from work, changed into jammies, Mr Handsome is baking pumpkin bread (because he is AWESOME) and we're going to have pizza and watch District 9. We lead a quiet but satisfyingly sweet life here at Chez Middle-Aged.

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