Monday, June 23, 2008


I love to read, it's probably my favorite thing in the world. I get quite anxious when I don't have something lined up to read, a read-in-waiting, as it were. Right now, I've got _The Queen's Handmaiden_ waiting for me upstairs. I haven't quite started it yet. It've been in a real fantasy phase recently. Actually, more horror than fantasy, come to think of it. I'd love to find another book like Orson Scott Card's _Enchanted_. Oh, I just love that book. I think I need to own it.

Today was good. I played on the computer for a long time, after sleeping in quite late. Then, I walked Gretchen and Sisko. Sisko is healing very well, his recuperation from the ACL repair is going strong! Gretchie was very well-behaved today. No eating of faces. YAY! I'm going to miss them when I start my new job.

Aspen and Eloise are back from "camp" and I'm soooooooo glad to see them! Aspen has cancer, though. I'm just going to focus on her getting better, I can't bear to think of her gone. I can't bear it. We had a very nice walk today and I'll see them tomorrow, too. And Marbles, their kitty companion. He generally hangs out (i.e. hides) in the basement but is so affectionate and responsive - I just want to steal him away and give him lots of love!

What am I going to do without all my furry friends??? I hate change. It makes me very nervous and scared. I think that's why I don't travel all that well. I like to know what's coming up. Life has already given me enough adventure and not enough stability. I'm still storing up the stability.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer! I love your blog. How awesome. Do you get alot of comments - I'm thinking NOT since you didn't tell anyone that you had a blog. ;0) Anywho, I did send you an email to the tds account. I'm working on other people to see if they are not receiving my emails too - I hope to get replies from people & they never write back - I think I might know why! Anyway, again, I love your blog and it inspires me to have my own. LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOO MUCH!!! Bonnie